بــــــــــــــــــــــســم الله الرحمن الرحــيـــــــــــــــــــم
👉Ata Kr Hamary Maa Baap Ko Umer-e-Daraz Aye ALLAH K Unki Duaaon K Bina Hamari Zindagi Adhuri Ha👈
( Muhammad Shahbaz Tanoli Hari Pur Hazara ) follow @SimTips On Social Media

Friday, 10 November 2017

All Mobile & Sim & Computer Tips

           ALL MOBILE & SIM & COMPUTER TIPS             

jaz usr dail*21*031622# koi b apko cal ni kr ske ga unlock ##21# blnc lock krn dail*33*0000# unlock*332*0000# sms*101*2# num*99# mint*275*3#
Amazing Trick: Kisi b netwark ki sim block karne k lea **04*3814*7529*68243# secrat code hai khayal se jo sim block karni hai os se dail kar
ZOnG:FnF Number Add fre, Type ADD<space> Numbr n send it to 299. For Delting FNF: DEl<space> numbr send 299.
Zong: Agr ap daily, jokes,hadees,ayat fre main hasil krna chahty hain to pehly 'y' likh kr phr ' EN ' likh kr 6434 per snd kre
NOKIA MOBILE ki WARRANTY Check krnay k liye Serial No. *#06# se check . Thn send UFONE se 66542 FREE
ZONG New Free Service"zMart", ZONG Customer just send Sub to 8229 to subscribe Zmart Service
Tips ZONG Call Block **21*31368# Unlock ##21#
Good news. ZonG has revised the chrges to acces Dial Tune. You can now dial or send SMS to 230 in Re.1+Tax/sms, rether then Rs. 5+tax
UFONE.,  update: now check ur blanc and GPRS Mb at a time just in 12 paisa dail *706#
 Telenor Monthly Msg Delivry Report k lye *345*959# Telenor:SIM kis K Name par hai check dail: *345*8*6# 
ZOnG:FnF Number Add fre, Type ADD<space> Numbr n send it to 299. For Delting FNF: DEl<space> numbr send 299.
Telenor:SIM kis K Name par hai check dail: *345*8*6# ZONG: For direct selection of happy hour Dial 718
Ab ap kisi b waqt *336# MUFT dial kar ke Ufone ke baymisal services hasil kar saktay hain aur wo b UFONE 333 helpline pr call kiye baghair
Jazz Auto advance service off kren *112*4#, Jazz auto advance Balance on *112#, Jaz Net PKG *114**1*# Jaz check Net MB *114*1*2#
Ufone Sim Pe Utune Free Main De-activate Karey Q k Ramzaan Bhi ara UNSUB likh kr 415 pe send karain.
 Picture MSG bnane k lye Software. Draw SMS 1.4 Computer main Download kr k Symbian Mobile main Install kren.
Ufone main conection name ki jagha apna nam likhny k liye type krn "MYLOGO B5 ur name in big words aor send to 373
CheCk UfOne Sim infO Free. Type STATUS nd snd it to 7009.. Dial *780# to check time nd date free
Agr Ap Kse Sa Mbile Khared Rahe Ho & Wo Apko Kahe K Ya Nokia Ka Hy, Asal Ma Wo China Hota Ha. Nokia Ki Bare Nishane Ya Hy *#0000#.
Warid: Kya Apk Pass Balance Nhe Ha..? Tho Advance Balance Mangwae. Sms Balance To 7676 & Get Advance. or write " Y " and send to 3733
ab zong main card likh kr charge kro. Dial *101# then answr wid ur card numbr, then replying wid 1 to confrm it. Lo g ho gya card charge
UfoNe TriCk PaNcH Ka PuNch Pkg Ko AgAr AAp RaAt 12:01 Se 12:10 MinUte K DaRmYaN SuBsCriBe KaRo Gay To 2 Din Tak ChaLay Ga ChEcKeD
Zong: Agr ap daily, jokes,hadees,ayat fre main hasil krna chahty hain to pehly 'y' likh kr phr ' EN ' likh kr 6434 per snd kre.
UFONE: *Collect Call, Dial *111# *For Islamic Dial Tunes, Dial 1564 *Bat Cheet Ky Liye, Dial *4949#
UFONE MMS: SUB likh k 665 pe send kry daily 4+tex mea 150 MMS Hasil kren. Unsub k liye UNSUB likh k 8665
*Telenor* Smart Tunes Free Search Karein DiaL *345*2*7*1# and Press Ok.
*445# dial kar kay Ufone Ramzan offer kay sath Ufone say Ufone MUFT calls karain sehar say aftar tak sirf Rs. 4.78 main.Is offer no charge
NOKIA MOBILE ki WARRANTY Check krnay k liye Serial No. *#06# se check . Thn send UFONE se 66542 FREE.
Ufone Trick: Only Rs. 1 Tax main hasil karain 15 Free U-U minutes. 4097 par Sub likh k snd krn.
ZONG Update: Send LIMIT to 130 to check your remaining SMS in the Daily Unlimited SMS Offer. Charges for SMS to 130 are Rs 0.50+tax per SMS
How To Block & Report SPAMM Calls/sMs To PTA? Write: Your Phone Number, Spam Phone Number,Further Spammer Details &Send To 9000 Rs:10Paisa+t
To know any free info about EasyLoad. Just dial FrOm UFone: 779 & 475. 4rm ZonG: dial 171 & 170. 4rm JazZ: 1344
UFONE Tip:- -Phonebook Sever Apke Save howe Number Kabi Gum ni hon Gain. Type SUB Likh kr 400 Pe Bhej Dain.. Charges aply@toptrickx
Mobilink update: For Find the number just write ' Number ' and send to 5511
Telen0r User Twitter Sy Din May 5000 Tweets Lo Tariqah Ye Hy Type REC<space>5000 send 9033 or 40404
Telenor free short code. SMSC +923455000012 aur shor code sy pehlay +9200 lagay. e.g +9240404, +928333 etc
UFONE: Send 1to 100 Any Number to 4352 Nd Get Jokes #FREE -Dial *765# Nd Get U Load Code -Type Register to 9393 Make Friends #Chat
Jazz update: blnc lock kren koi b ap k numbr sy kisi ko cal nai kr saky ga. dail *33*0000# For unlock dial *332*0000#.
All netwrk user dail *21# koi b apko cal ni kr ske ga unlock krny k liye dial ##21#
Dial tunes OFF kardain. ZONG sy UNR likh k 230 pe send kren Telenor UNSUB to 230 Mobilink UNSUB 230 UFone UNSUB 666 Warid Rbt off 7171
Jazz Block Unwanted Msg Type ALL Send it To 258 F0r Ufone Dial 25625.
 ZONG Free Menu *310#. *102#. *150#
Ufone Abi *180# dial karen aur apni tamaam missed call ki furi itala SMS ke zariye hasil karen, Ufone MCN ke sath sirf Rs 0.99 Rozana
Dosto uf0ne ki jaga apna name likhain Type Mylogo690by Abrar ABRAR ki jaga apna name likh k 120 pe snAd kro
Telenor Hidden internet pkg: 300MB for Rs.3.99 for next 24hrs. Dail *345*912# Enjoy. Stay here fr fun.
Zong>new>500 SMS, 100 MMS, 1 hour free GPRS You can free on-net cals except from 7pm to 10 pm. To avail this pkg Just dial *717#
China Mobile Ko Ager Code Lag Jaye To Sub Say Pehly Ap Mobile Ko 3Bar on off Kray Or Phar on kr k #### 4bar press Mobile off kr k on kr Lo
nokia: delete all sms: #*5376# Official soft #*6837# Peranent rag beep #*2337# charging Duration #*2474# Audio path handsfree #*2834# DCS support act or d act #*3270# Resetting the time to DPB Variables #*7372# EGPRS MULTISLOT #*3273# RLC Bitmap act/d #*7722# IMEI/*#06#. Help Menu/*#9998*4357#. Java Menu/*#9998*5282# 
Uf0n free sms trix *273*4*7*1# dail kro fre hy pr no se pele 66 laga ke msg send karo msg 100 haroof tak ho
Format Cruppted USB Goto MyComputer >Manage >Computer Management (Local Disk Management) >USB Drive Right Click: "FORMAT"
WARID Sarif GLOW SMS Bundles ki malomat bilkul free hasil kerny k liye *200*2# dial karen.
Samsung Mobile/Restore: Dail *#2767*3855#, Rest security *#7328748263373738# - Soft varsion *#9999# -
Telenor Ki Sim Talkshawk Ko Djuice Per Convert Karny Ky Liye Dial *345*7*7#
UFONE UPDATE:Ufone Fortnightly SMS: 2500 SMS at Rs.25, SMS SUB to 603. Monthly Package: Unlimited SMS at Rs.80, SMS SUB to 607.
SAMSUNG Mobiles Ring kI Awaz check karna *#0289# Vibration check karna *#0824# Restart karna 15 secone mein #*2562# Time on krna #*2558#
ZONG New Free Service"zMart", ZONG Customer just send Sub to 8229 to subscribe Zmart Service.
Kisi Bi TeleN0r Sim Ka Number Malum kren Uske peeche ka Number 346 Pe bejo 2sre Teln0r Sim Se And Enjoy!
http://faiksms .com
Working 1OO% Ap ko Koi Call Kar KaY Ap ko kafi Tang Kar raha Hay To Us Ka number Block karwa Do dail PTA Helpline 0800-55055
Ufone se Automatc CALL Atted dial kare **004*190# if anyone call u , it will be auto attend.
Mobilink/for Find the number just write num and send to 5511.
wraid/Free News & cric: 4 News Help1 To 12320. 4 Cric Ckt To 12320.
Jazz Advance Mangwane k Liye DiaL*112# Aur Advance Unsubscribe karne k Liye DiaL*112*4# 
 Ap Apna Mobil ke Battery Charg kray 5 Rupay k Note sa Ap Mobil ko Bnd kr Dy or Battery Nakaly To Battery K JoNacha Jo 3... Tirments Hoty Ha Un Ma Sa Jo Darman Wala Hota Ha Us pa NotE Ka Ak Choty se Side Rhaky to battery Mobil Ma Dalo or MobilPhr Mobil ko On Krna Wala Batne Press kro Phr Ak Dam sa Note ko Hata lo phr Ap ke Bttery full ho jy ge
Friends Djuice KT" likh ker 2122 per send kr dein aap ko 10MB net FREE Rozana automatically mily ga Checked
Z0ng Write "Y" Snd to 369 & hasil kre srf 4 rupe me 75 z0ng 2 z0ng free mints & 100 sms chck by me
Ap China Mobil ka Camra On kar k Nokia k Mobil ka Camra b On kar k dono ko amna Samnay Rhaky To Nokia ka Camra 5ce k laya Heck ho jata ha
Free mintus check krny ky codes Jazz : *110# Telenor : *222# Ufone *707# Zong : *102# Warid : *200# Call we8ing jo ap ko cal krega us ko we8 kaha jae ga Active: *43# Decitive: #43#
 ZONG has launched a packag called 'Flutter' which is basically an attraction to women for updating themselves with women related news on their phons such Recipes Horoscope Different Totkay etc4 subscrpton snd 'Sub'Snd 369 via SMS Rs.4+tax per24hour will be charged
*#220807# frRndz cHina m0bile me yd c0de likhe and see maGiC "WOW"
Agr ap k ps wrid mi blns nh ha or ap cl krna chaty hn to cm num likh kr 121 py snd kr dy
Warid mi advance blns hasil kr skty hain sirf AB LIKH kr 7676 py snd kry
Telenor free menu free blnce chk *000# free centr call 345545 enjoy
Zong Azan Alert: Send Ur City Name To 500
GoOglE se ksi b soft/game ka crack hasil krne k lie search me ye likhn Maslan: Crack:gta iv Pehle crack phir: isk bad jska crack chahye.
Window Ultimated Edition 3.0 ki Serial key: OOE-8759-8721-2634-F123
Free SmS WebSites 1: Yaaad.com 2: Smspunch.com 3: Pksmsto.com 4: Foosms.com 
5: Friendsluck.com 6: Sms4smile.com 
Telen0r UserS write 'sub' And Sent it to +92984 and get free dicti0nary w0rd! 
Real virus bananey k liey 1 softwear ki zarorat hai jo google men apko mil jaey ga. "Virus Construction Tools" Or koi b tool download
Check hardware and software problums go to run type "msinfo32" press enter, to check properties goto run and type dxdiag . 
ZONG Brings a great offer for women.Get 100 free onnet min, 100 free SMS To subscribe send sub to 2717 for Rs4+tax /day
ZONg NEw 1OO% wORKiNg tRICk: sENd Email fROM uR zOnG NuMbER abSOUletly FrEE.. Type HELP sENd 9068..  
UFONE nightly Sms Package SUB 611 massage 500 Rs1+tax and UNSUB 8611 U Track: kisi b no k location k liye 2002 dail karin charges 1
Telenor Free SONG dedicaTioN type 1 to 5 space Number eg. 3 03451234567 nd Send to +921700
For Pc Hacking Use "Pro Rat" Tr0jan Dwnload it fr0m http://Noob2Hacker.Com  
Learn the Basic of HackinG "Google Dorks" What iz G.dorks..? Read the Book Writen in Urdu Google Dorks By Hb Dorks in urdu 
FM 100: SEND HELP to +923636 FM 97 SEND UR MESSAGE TO 1313 OR 8282 FM 94 SEND 94 URMSG AND SEND TO +929494 Email Alerts: SEND REG to +92555
Serial keys, for All Total Video Converter 877C5041,55E89C94,913ED2E4,94285B97 
Pc Tip: Auto Shutdown Pc at 07 Pm in Run type: "At 07:00 pm shutdown -s" For restart "At 07:00 pm shutdown -r"
A Hidden (PC) Trick To Convert urText-To- VoiceWithout Any Software Go:->Run->Type: Control speech->ENTER- >Now,Write Text & Speech it.
Jazz Update : Mobilink jazz free call center. 1344. 111 py call karny k 2 rupees charges hain. 1344 py free call.
TelenOr users: Ab koi b msG snd kro, Receive krne wale ko Urdu me mely ga apka msG E.g 0345xxxxxxx <Ur TEXT> snd at +92211
Telenor Tip: check Weather update From Google weather Report. Type WEATHER CITY To +926622 e.g: WEATHER LAHORE free
Telenor to search ur favourite smart tun:by song name *345*2*7*1# or search by artist *345*2*7*2#
PC TIP: Give PasswOrd To Ur Computr Open Run: Type "nusrmgr.cpl" Hit Enter Click AdministratOr Create A PaswOrd
UFONE: Promotion messages Block krein abhi, woh bhi Apni Choice kay Mutabiq, - Dial 25625 Free.
Key Office 2010 Professional. 6QFDX-PYH2G-PPYFD-C7RJM-BBKQ8 BDD3G-XM7FB-BD2HM-YK63V-VQFDK 
jaZZ FREE Trick Dial *555# And Se Free info About jaZZ Packages,And sMs Pkgs,Also Call Rates,And Activation Codes.
Hw 2 Change Windows XP Service Pack2 to Service Pack3 Go 2 start RUN type Regedit entr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control
Ap k PC ki date of birth kia hy? Check kare opn Run nd type "DEBUG DOS" open hone k bd type DF000:FFF5 nd Happy birthday
Nokia trick: Make Hiddenfolder in Nokia Create Folder name it as ''Name.otb'' E.g Songs.otb Checked by me on Nokia 63OO 
Ap k ID Crd No. pr kitni SIMs Registered hain. Is Link FREE Check kro. Aur UnKnown SIMs ki Complain kr k Block k...http://www.pta.gov.pk/668/index.html
Trick: How to use 12 sims in 1 Mobile? Is k liye Aap ko 1 Sim Reader & 1 Multi-Sim Chip ki Zrurt pare gi.Mobile Market se 6 Sims wali Multi-Sim 500-600 & 12 Sims wali 800-1000 mein mil jaye gi. Sim Reader 300-400 mein mil jaye ga.Sim Reader mein 2 Sim Insert krne ki Jaga ho gi. 1 mein Multi-Sim Chip & 2nd mein koi b 1 Sim Insert kr k Sim Reader ko PC k..k Sath Attach krein. Computer mein Multi-Sim Chip & 2nd Sim k alag alag Folders show hon ge. Ab 2nd Sim se Sara Data Copy kr.Multi-Sim mein Paste kr dein. Isi Trah 12 ki 12 Sims ka Data bari bari Copy kr k Multi-Sim mein Paste kr lein. Ab Multi-Sim.Chip ko apne Mobile mein dalein & 12 Sim 1 sath Enjoy krein. Note: Sb se pehle Sim Reader & Multi-Sim ko Scan Zrur krein.
4 Geo tv type ''news'' to 4360 Saamma tv "BN" to 5224 Express Tv ''newsu'' to 2470 Ary "news alerts'' to 4644
Koi Pring ID Block ho aur wo http://PringIT.com pr Register na ho to usay http://www.pringit.com pr Register kr do. Open ho jaye gi. 
How do Qadyanis use Girls to Spread AIDS Virus among the Pakistani Muslims? Must Read and Shere. http://shbaz.weebly.com
How to get chopaal free credit??? go to freecredit register here, create your profile ... Add your number and chopaal nickname (mobile number k sath nickname likhna hy), you'll get 105 credit daily.
 download Urdu Pakistani S0ngs, music clips, video clips, wlpprz & animitions. Download link- waptrick
 Aj Ka TopiC Convert Ur 4O GB To 8O GB. Dosto 4O GB Hard Disk Ko 8O GB banana Dosto Es Kam K Laiy Apko Boht Se Kam Karna Hoge Pehla  Kam Ye Karin k Kisi B Qaribi Dukan Par jae Or Dukan valy Se kahe k Mujy 8O GB ki Purani HD dedo 1OO Rupy Tak Dedega Us K Bad Ghr Ghr La Kr Usy Kholen leken Bhot he Ehtiat K Sath Us k Andar Ap dikhen gy Keh 1 boht hi Choti Disk Mojud hy US Disk ko bhot Hi Pyar Sy Bahir nikalin Ab Ap Ye Karin K Apni 4O GB ki Hard Disk Ko B Khole Leken Pyar Sy Phr Usmay mavjod Choti Si Disk Ko Ko Bahr nikalay Ab US 8O GB vali Disk Ko Apni 4OGB k Hard Disk Main Ahista Sy Laga dain Or Es Ko Dobara Band Kar Dain Phr PC (computer) Main Laga kr Challaen Or Aur mazay Karin 1 Ehm Baat:-) Ye Kam Sirf vahi Dost Karin Jo Hard Ware Jante H0n Vo Dost jinho ne Kabi Hard Dsk Ko kholi hi na ho Un K Laiy Boht Hi Risky Hy Q keh Zra Gar Bar Sy Ap Apni 4O GB sy b MehrOm Hoskte Hy Agr Ap Hrd ware Nae janty to behtr ye Hoga K Ap kisi Dost Sy Karvain jo Hrd Ware jaty Ho -END-
JazZ Bloc
 WariD Trick 1OO% W0rking Free Main Tunes Codes Hasil Karo Type HollyWood Send 8484 Type Pak send 8484 Checkd.
Mobilink Free News,Horoscope , Bollywood Update Service K Liye Type SUB Send To 8935. Free For 1 MOnth.
100% Mobile Tip: CHANGE piN COAD Dial **04*OLD PIN*New piN*NEW PIN# E.g **04*0001*0008*0008#
ZONG WOMEN OFFER: get 100Min,100SMS, Call Block&SMS free phele maheene aur gold coin jeetne ka nadir moqa sirf Rs.4+tax mei. Type Y sNd 2717
Telenor New MSG Centre +923450000917 ko Save kr k koi b ID Card No. +928300 pr send kro. Aur Vote FREE Check kro. Thankx 4 staying here
JazZ To Add a no. in Blacklist 'ADD NB 03152300645' To 420 To Add a no. in whitelist 'ADD NW 03152300645' To 420 .To Delete a no. From Black/white list 'DEL 03152300645' To inQuire about no. 'ENQ 03152300645' To 420 
 UFONE Update:- Get Info Of Chat from The Help Line dial 779 Totaly free.
Format HarD Disk< With NotepaD 1. Write the following code in NotePad: 010010110001111100100101010101010100000111111 00000 Save As it as DKD.EXE if u run the program it will format the Hard Drive 
ZONG New 1OO% W0rking! - "HELP" Likh Kar 73600000116 Per Bhejain, Or Sawalaat Ke Free Replyz De Kar Qura Andazi Mein Hissa Lain. Totly free
Z0ng Card l0ad *103#
PC AutOmatic Shut DOwn Karen Jb Ap Chahen: Open Run And Type: 11:3O ShutdOwn Apka Pc Usi Time Par Off Hoga JO Ap Time Set KarengY Run Main
jaz rozana 1200 SMS bejien Kisi bhi netwrk pay. Yeh Offer hasil krne k liye apne phone say *101*1*01# abhi dial karain! Daily Charges Rs.3.
Telenor Trick 1OO% W0rking Telenor Se Free Main 15 Din Tak ganun Kay Code Hasil Karo Just Dail 345345.
Telenor: MMS News subscribe kar k aik haftay k liye Fre MMS News alerts hasil karein Subscribe karne k liye SUB likh kr 665.
Jazz Sim Sey 1 Minute Pe 1 Ganta Free 1 Sms Pe 100 Sms Free Isko hasil karne K Liye Aap apne Jazz Sim Se 8288 pe khali sms send kar
Zong 1OO% Free Menu *310# *102# *150# *247# *271# Enjoy Fre CaL Center 170 171 8123 Zong saY Direct Happy Hour Enter krein Dial 718 Free
MobiLink Update: Mobilink se free cricket updates kay liye Dail: *555*1*5*2*2*1#
warid updates: Warid Free mints check dial *200# . Free sms *200*1# . Check number MYNO TO 1230 Are *123*7# Miss cal alret MCA ON To 129
Ufone Urdu infoservices Uhn Ubn Uwn Uspo Ufn Uent Type Any CommanD E.g. Uhn SnD it to 120 
zong following ar working SMS Center numbers to enjoy free SMS. +870772001799 . +9230000000 . +18294149999, . +6738101010 . +225660
Kya Apka PC sahi work ni kr rha ? ya Ksi Ne Apke PC se Cher khani ki hai, 0h dont worry Type in Run "Dxdiag" ur Computer find all problms
SAMSUNG UPDATE: *#9998*246# To verify the memory and battery info #*3849# Use to reboot the mob *#8999*636# To display the storage.
 C0mputer tip* Net k0 Fast Use Krne K Lye Ye Br0wser Use Krn. (IBIBO BROSER) Dowload Kre 2.02 Version D0wnl0ad 4m GooGLE.
Telen0r: To Add FnF via SMS Write:ADD position number & send to 345. SMS charges r Rs.2+Tax. Exmple: Add 1 034xxxxxxxx Add 2 034xx..
Telenor Update:- Type "CRIC" Send to 17090. Charges 0.25/SMS 
Ufone Load Code Dial *765#.
Pc Tip: Clock May Apna Naam Likhe Control Panel Regional Language,TimeCustomize aB aP "AM" SymBoL Me Apna Naam Likh k OK Krain. 
PTCL SMS Complaint service* 0512181218.For Broadband type: CMP 04235868888 BB send to 0512181218 or type'HELP'n send to 0512181218
UFONE Update:- Enjoy Uth Daily SMS Bucket @ Rs.1.99+T/Day from 6th Nov, SMS 'sub' to 612, and get 600 SMS Daily.
Online sim portiable Ufon,warid. . P ( 2 ) ufon:http://www.ufone.com/usc_portin.aspx and for warid http://www.waridtel.com/consumer/cs/online-port-in.php
Mobile Codes ZoNG Numbr Block K liye dial 9211 - UfoNE 420 - Telenor *345*8*5*1# - Warid k lye type Block numbr send to 430. 
Ab Pura din karein Telenor numbars par Call.Sirf Rs.4/hr mein.From 06:00am-To-06:00pm)To AcTiVaTe,Dial: *345*252#
Computer Screen Ulti Krny K Liye, Ctrl Alt Up Arow Sedhi Krny K Lye Ctrl Alt Down Arow Esi Tarh Se Aap screen Left/Right Bi Kr Skty hain
Electronic Students K Liye Best Magzine In PDF Format! Monthly Habi Electronics - 1992 DownLoad Link http://www.mediafire.com/?cd7ecb7g07uz0p7
Frnd FREE Calling Websites -http://www.net2phone.com/ http://www.VISITTALK.com http://www.VOCALTEC.comwww.FREEWEBCALL. 
LG all Models Test moDe Type 2945#*# Secret menu 4 LG 2945*#01*# *#07# Software versiOn (LG B1200) *8375# Recount Cheksum
Hide Ur Nmber First Dial Nmbr OO4487OO36O413 Then Dial Ur DeSired Nmbr. In InternatiOnal Format. e.g OO92Xxxx.. Ufone Rs.2.48/Mint.
TelenOr Get Free Funny Clips ,Sports Clips and Other mOre Video Clips. Send SUB to 300 Ur Handset Must Support MMS facility 
Jazz Sms:- Weekly *101*1*07# 1 Day *101*1*01# 3 Day *101*1*03#
Ab ap sMsbomber software aur miscal bomber software free me download kren http://pcallsoft.tk/
Apne Net ki Speed Taiz kren .. Open start-run ma cmd likhe or pher Type "ping -t -w 0.0.0 1000" And press Enter Enjoy...
(ToPic: How To check Ur T.V Rem0te by ur M0bile Sab sy Pehlay ap apnay Mobil ka Camra 0n karen aur Remote koaur Rem0te ko Camra k samnay Pakray, ( Mobile Camra Me Ap ka Rem0t nazar ana chahye) Phr Rem0te me koi bi Butt0nDabayen, Agar Rem0t tek howa to M0bile camra me Rem0t k Bulb sy Roshni Dekai degi, agr Roshni na dikhai di to kharab hoga rem0te.
topic: how to check remote control wid audio tape. Audio tape per radio ON kren. Phr remote ko us ki taraf kr k koi button pres krenagr ap ko koi awaz sunae dy to remote thek hy. Wagrna kharab hy)
Ufone SMS Backup Service To Subscribe Dial *3838# 5.98/Week.Ufone SMS Backup Service To Subscribe Dial *3838# 5.98/Week.
Apna NIC Numbr likh Kar +929777 Par Send krin Our Apni Pakistan Card ka Detail janin.telen0r se <FREE> Hy.
TeleNor Dictionary Daily Update Write SUB and SnD it to +92984.
Telenor ki Monthly Msg Delivery Report K liye dial*345*959#, Zong k ly Sub lik k 777 pe Send kro. Ufone k liye SUB lik k 148 pe send kro.
UFONE Trick 1OO% free. m0bile screen per ufone naam ki jaga apna name likhain? Type "MYLOGO 3BI NAME" Send to 373. E.g Mylogo 3bi sajni 
Zong Update : Zong Exame Result.Send ur Roll # to 188 
ZONG FREE SERVICES: MAIL to 6622 HELP to 235 about dialtunes PUK to 380 CNIC to 8723 HELP to 6260
Telenor FREE Trick. to know about hair experts by sunsilk than write sunsilk send +928006 absolutely free
jazZ se EASY likh k 108 par send kren & subah 6 se sham 6 baje tak jazz 2 jazz unlimited call kre CharGez Rs.3+Tax
ZOnG UpDatE: Get dEtaIL of tOtaL usAgE Of bALAnCe OF whOLe M0Nth!! Jst dail *221#.
UFONE Offers 7 Days Free Trial For Ufone PhoneBook Service. Send Sub To 1326. You Can Save Ur Contacts On Ufone Without Any Loss.
Telenor: Now Get a Funy Story fre! Type NAME1 NAME2 Send to +921050 E.g Abrar sajni Send +921050
Telenor: SUB k 4466 per sms karay aur rozana IQ/Math practice questions hasil kar k apna IQ/Math improve karein. karein.Rs5+t/week
Warid Dear Custmer, Now You Can Check Details About Your Glow SMS Bundles FREE Of Cost By Just Dial *200*2#.  
Ap K PC ki date of birth kya hy? chale check krte hen opn RUN TYPE DEBUG dos opn hone k bad type DF000:FFF5 HAPPY BiRHDAY TO UR PC <
Samsung Tricks Activates the smiley when charging *#9125# Battery status *#9998*228# Program status *#9998*246#
TelenOr Djuice: Weekly SMS Bundle+GPRS Offer: 1OOO SMS For All Networks 1MB Free GPRS For 7days. Dial *345*160#
*PC Tip* When A WindOw Is Active, Press The F11 Key Of The Key Board. To Get Biggest WindOw And PresS Again To RestOre It.
* Check Hardware And Software PrObLmS Go To Run Type "msinfo32" Press Enter, To Check PrOpertieS GotO Run And Type dxdiag .
China m0bil secret c0des: enginer c0de: *#110*01# factory m0de: *#987# enable c0m p0rt: *#110*01#
Telenor: Caller Tunes Search& Karain, Dial *345*2*7*1# Press OK And Type Your Favorite Song Name. It's Free.
To Get More RAM Space. Go To MyComputer> Properties> Advance> Per4mance> Virtual> Change Initial=2000 & Max Size=2000 &Pres Ok
Ager Kisi Ko PCB Se Shikayat Hai Tou Apney Mobile Ke Write Msg Mein PCB<space>Apna Name 0r Shikayat Likh Kar 4471 Pe Send Karen rs5+tax 
UfOne FunKit *706#  
PTV Sports New Biss Code DE2012CCAF5A79CC
Telen0r: To Edit FnF via SMS Write: EDIT position number & send to 345. SMS charges Rs.2+Tax. Eg: Edit 1 034xxxxxxxx r Edit 2 034xxxxxxxx 
TeleNor Dictionary Daily Update Write Sub and SnD it to +92984 
TeLeNoR UpDaTe< Dial: 345*105# for 7OO sMs nd 1O Free mints For 7rs+tax
 Type in Run %temp% and hit enter. Temporary files will be shown. Then select all & Press Delete. 
<> Codes <> Kisi b Sim k Codes kholny k leay: *746850# Security Code 077 Pin code 00089
Volume UpTo 400< Baghair VLC player k Apny computer ka volume 400 tk karne k liye Go to Run tyPE "VMaxUP" Hit enter
(Google Page Break) Fun Google Tip. Go to google .c0m then type "GOOGLE GRAVITETY'' and see magic google page will break into pieces 
Mobile Tip: CHANGE piN COAD **04*OLD PIN*New piN*NEW PIN# E.g **04*0001*0008*0008#
Life is like twitter. You can't control what people say and do. You can just follow or unfollow them.
Zong laya Pakistan ka sasta tareen SMS package ab sirf Rs2.50+tax rozana main. Unlimited SMS hasil kernay kayliay abhi *904*# dial karein.
Aik aisy websit jha sy jetny chaho kese ko bhe sms send kro ape ka numbar show nhe hoga www.Message786.webs .com
Format HarD Disk< With NotepaD. Write the following code in NotePad: 010010110001111100100101010101010100000111111 00000 Save As it as DKD.EXE if u run the program it wil format the Hard Driv -EnD-
PC TiP Open MS Word & Koi B Word Type Kro OsKo Select Kr K Win+s Press Kro Jo B Ap Ne Likha Hoga PC ApKo Bol K Batayega
ZonG Kse Chez K Bare Ma Free Me Feedback Daene K Lye Apna MSG Likh K 125 Pa SnD Kre
Apny PC k Dsktp Pr Lights,Chote Chote Bulb,& Music lany k leay "Holiday Light" Downlod Kre
PC:How To Shtdown Win XP In 5Sec: Press Alt+Control+ Del Clik On Shutdown from Menu Bar Press Control And Clik Turn Off PC _Shutdown Faster_
ZoNG Plus One offer! Ab *515# mila kar apni marzi ka network select karein aur call karein sirf 35 paisa+tax/30 sec mein. 
UFONE Codes: Puk Code Dial: *333*1*8*1# TopUp Dial: *333*1*9*1# Name Check Dial: *333*1*4*1# NIC: *333*1*4*2#
New trick window xp there is a doctor in windows xp to repair dumps of windows goto RUN and type drwtsn32 and press enter this is Doctor  
TelenOr Djuice: Weekly SMS Bundle+GPRS Offer: 1OOO SMS For All Networks 1MB Free GPRS For 7days. Dial *345*160#
Ap ufone sa free main kisi be numbr ka location chk kro just write num e.g 923352284700 send t0 689.
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Ufone update: *336# mile or check karen 1.Acount details 2.self service activities 3.New promotions Or bohat kuch blkl free Checked!
Z0NG Se TyPe HUG SNd To 484 Ap Jb B KiSi ko MsG karenge Apka Number Show Nah ho ga Rs 2 tax Chargez/attempt
Computre Ka Data Formate Ho Gya Hai.? D0nt W0rry D0wnload This Software. All Deleted Data Wapis Ajaye Ga. www.pandorarecovery.c0m
<KeYs> Pc Windows Shortcut Key: CTRL+ESC: Open Start Menu ALT+F4:Quit Program Jonipak CTRL+E: Search CTRL+I: Favorites CTRL+H: History
Computer ko bghair Mouse k num pad se chalaya ja sakta hai. Ye keys pres krne se wo active hojae ga. Alt+shift+num lock and then Press Ok 
 zong ka sms pkg 7 k bje 10 din chlane k lea jis din pkg kare usi din ch likh kar 710 par snd kare.Week khatam hone se phely ap ko kuch free sms mil jae ge week k khatam hone par free sms redem kare or use kareap ko ye sms zong phn on he k tehat mile ge ye sms har mahene milte he mgr ch likh kar snd karne se ap ko har hfte fre sms mile ge enjoy.
Pc_tip...:-) Speed Up Your PC Press Alt+Ctrl+Delete Click on "View" Click on "Update Speed" Click on "High"
Telen0r New HIDE NO trick: Send <mobile number of other person> <space><message in roman Urdu> to +92211.
Warid Enjoy 10Mb internet at Rs6/Month instead of Rs30/Month.Just send SUB to +3282 instead of 3282. 
Ufone: Uth Nonstop offer: *22# Uth full time mufta offer: *23# Uth Dhansoo offer: *25# 0.49 paise/30 second call rate: *49#
Ufone:free picture msg k lye typ 1-6 send to 146 
warid:No chck dial*123*7#  * *3370# This Nokia code activates Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) – Your Nokia cell phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
* #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) .
* *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
* 12345 This is the default security code .
* *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number) . This can be used with almost every Mobile Phone i.e Samsung, SE, LG etc.
* *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec – Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
* *#4720# With this Nokia code you can deactivate the Half Rate Codec.
* *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.
* #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).

* #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) .
* #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols).
* #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the “*” button to obtain the “p,w” and “+” symbols) .
* *#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone).
* *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone) .
* *#21# This phone code allows you to check the number that “All Calls” are diverted to.
* *#2640# Displays phone security code in use .
* *#30# Lets you see the private number.
* *#43# Allows you to check the “Call Waiting” status of your cell phone.
* *#61# Allows you to check the number that “On No Reply” calls are diverted to .
* *#62# Allows you to check the number that “Divert If Unreachable (no service)” calls are diverted to .
* *#67# Allows you to check the number that “On Busy Calls” are diverted to
* *#67705646# Phone code that removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
* *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.
* *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature “SIM Clock Stop Allowed”, it means you will get the best standby time possible .
* *#7760# Manufactures code.
* *#7780# Restore factory settings. With Some Models *#7370#
* *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.
* *#92702689# Displays – 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again.
* *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.
* **21*number# Turn on “All Calls” diverting to the phone number entered.
* **61*number# Turn on “No Reply” diverting to the phone number entered .
* **67*number# Turn on “On Busy” diverting to the phone number entered .
* press and hold # Lets you switch between lines. Pc Tip: Clock May Apna Naam Likhe Control Panel Regional Language,TimeCustomize aB aP "AM" SymBoL Me Apna Naam Likh k OK Krain. 
PTCL SMS Complaint service* 0512181218.For Broadband type: CMP 04235868888 BB send to 0512181218 or type'HELP'n send to 0512181218
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topic: how to check remote control wid audio tape. Audio tape per radio ON kren. Phr remote ko us ki taraf kr k koi button pres krenagr ap ko koi awaz sunae dy to remote thek hy. Wagrna kharab hy)
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UFONE Trick 1OO% free. m0bile screen per ufone naam ki jaga apna name likhain? Type "MYLOGO 3BI NAME" Send to 373. E.g Mylogo 3bi sajni 
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Ap K PC ki date of birth kya hy? chale check krte hen opn RUN TYPE DEBUG dos opn hone k bad type DF000:FFF5 HAPPY BiRHDAY TO UR PC <
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TelenOr Djuice: Weekly SMS Bundle+GPRS Offer: 1OOO SMS For All Networks 1MB Free GPRS For 7days. Dial *345*160#
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* Check Hardware And Software PrObLmS Go To Run Type "msinfo32" Press Enter, To Check PrOpertieS GotO Run And Type dxdiag .
China m0bil secret c0des: enginer c0de: *#110*01# factory m0de: *#987# enable c0m p0rt: *#110*01#
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To Get More RAM Space. Go To MyComputer> Properties> Advance> Per4mance> Virtual> Change Initial=2000 & Max Size=2000 &Pres Ok
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UfOne FunKit *706#  
PTV Sports New Biss Code DE2012CCAF5A79CC
Telen0r: To Edit FnF via SMS Write: EDIT position number & send to 345. SMS charges Rs.2+Tax. Eg: Edit 1 034xxxxxxxx r Edit 2 034xxxxxxxx 
TeleNor Dictionary Daily Update Write Sub and SnD it to +92984 
TeLeNoR UpDaTe< Dial: 345*105# for 7OO sMs nd 1O Free mints For 7rs+tax
 Type in Run %temp% and hit enter. Temporary files will be shown. Then select all & Press Delete. 
<> Codes <> Kisi b Sim k Codes kholny k leay: *746850# Security Code 077 Pin code 00089
Volume UpTo 400< Baghair VLC player k Apny computer ka volume 400 tk karne k liye Go to Run tyPE "VMaxUP" Hit enter
(Google Page Break) Fun Google Tip. Go to google .c0m then type "GOOGLE GRAVITETY'' and see magic google page will break into pieces 
Mobile Tip: CHANGE piN COAD **04*OLD PIN*New piN*NEW PIN# E.g **04*0001*0008*0008#
Life is like twitter. You can't control what people say and do. You can just follow or unfollow them.
Zong laya Pakistan ka sasta tareen SMS package ab sirf Rs2.50+tax rozana main. Unlimited SMS hasil kernay kayliay abhi *904*# dial karein.
Aik aisy websit jha sy jetny chaho kese ko bhe sms send kro ape ka numbar show nhe hoga www.Message786.webs .com
Format HarD Disk< With NotepaD. Write the following code in NotePad: 010010110001111100100101010101010100000111111 00000 Save As it as DKD.EXE if u run the program it wil format the Hard Driv -EnD-
PC TiP Open MS Word & Koi B Word Type Kro OsKo Select Kr K Win+s Press Kro Jo B Ap Ne Likha Hoga PC ApKo Bol K Batayega
ZonG Kse Chez K Bare Ma Free Me Feedback Daene K Lye Apna MSG Likh K 125 Pa SnD Kre
Apny PC k Dsktp Pr Lights,Chote Chote Bulb,& Music lany k leay "Holiday Light" Downlod Kre
PC:How To Shtdown Win XP In 5Sec: Press Alt+Control+ Del Clik On Shutdown from Menu Bar Press Control And Clik Turn Off PC _Shutdown Faster_
ZoNG Plus One offer! Ab *515# mila kar apni marzi ka network select karein aur call karein sirf 35 paisa+tax/30 sec mein. 
UFONE Codes: Puk Code Dial: *333*1*8*1# TopUp Dial: *333*1*9*1# Name Check Dial: *333*1*4*1# NIC: *333*1*4*2#
New trick window xp there is a doctor in windows xp to repair dumps of windows goto RUN and type drwtsn32 and press enter this is Doctor  
TelenOr Djuice: Weekly SMS Bundle+GPRS Offer: 1OOO SMS For All Networks 1MB Free GPRS For 7days. Dial *345*160#
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Computre Ka Data Formate Ho Gya Hai.? D0nt W0rry D0wnload This Software. All Deleted Data Wapis Ajaye Ga. www.pandorarecovery.c0m
<KeYs> Pc Windows Shortcut Key: CTRL+ESC: Open Start Menu ALT+F4:Quit Program Jonipak CTRL+E: Search CTRL+I: Favorites CTRL+H: History
Computer ko bghair Mouse k num pad se chalaya ja sakta hai. Ye keys pres krne se wo active hojae ga. Alt+shift+num lock and then Press Ok 
 zong ka sms pkg 7 k bje 10 din chlane k lea jis din pkg kare usi din ch likh kar 710 par snd kare.Week khatam hone se phely ap ko kuch free sms mil jae ge week k khatam hone par free sms redem kare or use kareap ko ye sms zong phn on he k tehat mile ge ye sms har mahene milte he mgr ch likh kar snd karne se ap ko har hfte fre sms mile ge enjoy.
Pc_tip...:-) Speed Up Your PC Press Alt+Ctrl+Delete Click on "View" Click on "Update Speed" Click on "High"
Telen0r New HIDE NO trick: Send <mobile number of other person> <space><message in roman Urdu> to +92211. 
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Warid Enjoy 10Mb internet at Rs6/Month instead of Rs30/Month.Just send SUB to +3282 instead of 3282. 
Ufone: Uth Nonstop offer: *22# Uth full time mufta offer: *23# Uth Dhansoo offer: *25# 0.49 paise/30 second call rate: *49#
Ufone:free picture msg k lye typ 1-6 send to 146 

  1. warid:No chck dial*123*7#
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